Monday, January 14, 2013

Seastar Barrette

I'm sick of winter. I miss the beach. A lot. So I got inspired to do some beachy projects starting with this barrette. It is super simple and anyone can do it! Just go to your local craft store ( or shell shop if you live on the coast) and get a sea star that about 2.5 inches. Its a good size to cover the barrett.

P.S. Make sure the barrette you get doesn't bend or else it wont work right after the stars been glued on.

-Sea star
-SUPER glue

Step 1) Begin by putting SUPER glue on the barrette.

Step 2) Place the barrette on the star and make sure the barrette is hidden.

Step 3) Let it dry

                        NOW WEAR IT AND PRETEND ITS SUMMERRRR!

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